RTRDA collaborated with the Engineering Institute of Thailand Under His Majesty The King’s Patronage (EIT) and the Council of Engineers Thailand (COET) to convene a meeting aimed at considering guidelines for the establishment of construction and safety standards for rail transport systems.
On Wednesday, January 24, 2024, Rail Technology Research and Development Agency (Public Organization) or RTRDA, hosted a meeting in partnership with the Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT) and the Council of Engineers. The meeting focused on The preparation and development of engineering professional practice standards to support the rail transport system," under the leadership of Asst. Prof. Pisit Saeng-Xuto, Committee Member and Dr. Sathian Charoenrien, Advisor to RTRDA, alongside the officials from RTRDA. Also in attendance were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siriwat Chaichana, Vice President of EIT and Dr. Thayakorn Chandrangsu, Director of Safety Standards and Road Maintenance Division at the Department of Rail Transport (DRT). The meeting's purpose was to discuss guidelines for establishing construction and safety standards for the rail transport system, with a focus on enhancing the safety of passengers and safeguarding property. Participants collaborated on defining the scope of safety standards preparation for Thailand's rail system. Additionally, they formulated a plan to implement these standards to serve as benchmarks for the country's railway infrastructure.