APEC Vision Connect Program: Seamless and Safe Transportation through Railway systems

Part1 - Background of RTRDA

The Rail Technology Research and Development Agency (Public Organization) (RTRDA) was founded on 14th July 2021, with a mandate to undertake research and development efforts aimed at acquiring new rail technologies and building technological capabilities among entrepreneurs.

Part2 - Modernizing the Thai Railway System with Cutting-Edge Technology

To develop the Thai railway system, it is important to focus on new technologies that can enhance its functionality and safety. Firstly, connectivity from the origin to the destination should be improved to make the railway system more accessible and convenient for users. While the railway system is known for its affordability, challenges with accessibility can hinder its effectiveness. Therefore, efforts should be made to develop technology that enhances usability.

Secondly, safety is paramount in the railway system, as each accident can cause significant problems and disruptions. Research and development should be prioritized to improve the efficiency of railway system operation control and maintenance. By incorporating new technologies, the railway system can become more reliable and safe for all users.

Lastly, it's important to listen to the problems faced by railway system users to improve and develop all aspects of the system. By understanding their concerns and needs, it's possible to make informed decisions on how to enhance the railway system for a better user experience.

Part3 - Aligning the Railway System Development with the BCG Economy

To drive the economy, research and development on energy that can be consumed for driving trains with minimal carbon emissions should be conducted. Electric vehicles and battery power are preferred energy options to support green mobility. It is essential to explore the best green mobility solution for Thailand and prepare to deal with it.

Part 4 - Once the railway system is fully completed in the future, what other benefits can the Thai people expect?
With a fully complete railway system, we could expect greater connectivity throughout Thailand. I would like to see a high-quality and safe railway system that instills confidence in passengers and couriers that their demands will be fully met. Additionally, I believe that investment in the railway system could lead to national development. One way to achieve this would be to promote local content and use this opportunity to build the railway system industry in Thailand.

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