To collaborate with domestic and international government agencies and private sectors to conduct research and innovation in railway technology, and facilitate the exchange, transfer, and development of such technology. The aim is to become a leading center for the exchange and transfer of railway technology.
To serve as a center for exchanging and transferring rail technology, and to match technology with the private sector. We will rely on our technology transfer center as an important mechanism for facilitating technology and business development in the rail industry.
Projects under the 2023 – 2024 Fiscal Year Plan
- Project for Establishing Rail Technology Transfer and Business Development Center
- Project for Railway System Business and Industry Development
Project Deliverables
- Conducting a study and analysis on the guidelines for developing a platform for promoting businesses and industries from innovations and research to develop a model for the Technology Transfer and Business Development Center of RTRDA.
- Developing a model as the Center for Technology Transfer and Business Matching to enhance Thailand's railway system industry to a world-class railway system.